Book themed parties are great for so many occasions and they work for both kids and adults. It’s a great theme for birthday parties, book launch celebrations, writing organization anniversaries, English degree graduation parties and so much more!

A couple of weekends ago we celebrated one of the oldest writing organizations in the US with a book themed 1920’s Gatsby speakeasy party. The writing organization, THPW, was organized in April 1920 by two women and their first official meeting was in a hotel lobby. It only seemed fitting to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary (plus 2) in a 1920’s hotel and what better place in the hotel than their secret speakeasy with its very own hidden bookcase door.
The hotel, with its book-filled lobby, has its own literary ties which fit even more perfectly with the theme. It was built in 1927 by a woman who was instrumental in organizing the first public library in town.